U.S. House Approves Republican Measure to Reduce Home Heating Costs

Press Release

Date: March 6, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Whether you heat your home with natural gas, electricity, or propane, heating costs are on the rise this cold winter season. Hardworking Americans who are still experiencing a long struggling economy are not looking forward to opening their monthly energy bill. For most, it is the one surprise they want to avoid.

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives approved a measure this week to keep energy prices and steep fluctuations in prices down by cutting bureaucratic red tape that has restricted access to greater supplies of energy resources in America. The House passed H.R. 2641, the Responsibly and Professional Invigorating Development (RAPID) Act streamlining federal approval of construction products, including energy and natural gas infrastructure. The measure also promotes wind and natural gas projects already identified in 2011 that will create more abundant energy supplies here at home.

"Iowa families have been hit hard by both harsh winter temperatures and outrageous energy prices when heating their homes," said Latham. "This common sense solution clears the Washington roadblocks that have prevented the completion of a diverse energy infrastructure. Projects that will increase the supply of American controlled energy resources and lower the home heating bills of struggling Iowans."

The legislation now awaits approval by the U.S. Senate before it can go to President Obama for his signature.
